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📂 The Dirs Project 📂
Design Principles:
Easy wins:
Simplicity matters:
Mistakes were made:
✨ The Core Language ✨
Equality & Identity:
  1. Overview
  2. Problems
  3. Solution
  4. Fixing Haskell
  5. Fixing Java
  6. Fixing Rust
  7. Fixing Swift
Unified Condition Expressions:
  1. Introduction
  2. Implementation
  3. Exceptions
  4. Comparison with Rust
Naming Conventions:
  1. Creation
  2. Conversion
  3. Options
  4. Lookup
  5. Streaming
Syntax Comparisons/Overviews:
  1. Rigaux
  2. PLDB
  3. Hyperpolyglot
  4. Chlipala
Runtimes Domains as Cargo Namespaces
Efficient Memory Use:
  1. Pointer Compression
  2. Header Compression
Cranelift Backend:
Ghosts of Unix Past:
  1. Design patterns
  2. Conflated designs
  3. Unfixable designs
  4. High-maintenance designs
On ELF: Part 1 Part 2